Easy! 5 Steps to Find Your Happy Code! Part 4


Here's Part 4 of the E-Course I promised you. If you're impatient and want all 5 parts right away click here where you can download the entire course as a convenient adobe pdf file.

If at any time these 5 steps pique your desire to know how to live your happy code right away, click here to check out the never-before offered E-Course GOOD WITH ME AND BEYOND: How to Live Your Happy Code. You'll get answers to questions you didn't even know you had in this cutting-edge in-depth approach.


Let's get right to the point...

All of the chatter in your head is you thinking.

I know, sometimes it seems as though there are several people having a conversation without you and at your expense.

Not so! 

That is you and you alone. That is you thinking!

You Thinking!

Likewise, that is you thinking about YOU!

Rene Descartes (1596-1650)

Rene Descartes (1596-1650) said it best in 1610:

 "I think, therefore I am."

Furthermore, the way you think, no matter what you are thinking, has become habit.

Likewise, the way you think about yourself, no matter what you are thinking, has become habit.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The thoughts you think create the feelings you feel and the feelings you feel create the way you behave.

DOUBLE IMPORTANT NOTE: The thoughts you think can be positive or negative, and/or accurate or inaccurate. It doesn't matter what they are, because whatever you think, accurate or inaccurate, positive or negative, will be real for you.

Thoughts-Feelings-Behavior Triangle

Thoughts Feelings Behavior

Likewise, the thoughts about yourself create the way you feel about yourself whether your thoughts reflect the truth about you or not. They determine how you see yourself whether positive or negative, accurate or inaccurate.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Nothing has any meaning except the meaning you give it with your thoughts. (More detail about this in the in-depth E-Course).

PAY ATTENTION: The negative and inaccurate thoughts you think about yourself are...

Your Happy Blockers!

Happy Blocked Brain

Exploration and Discovery

Where did the negative and/or inaccurate thoughts you have about yourself come from?

Do the negative and inaccurate thoughts you think about yourself belong to you or did they come from someone or something outside of you and you took ownership of them? Did you take them on and make them yours?

Do you even know?

See if you can identify who or where they came from.

Do a mental check list.

  • Mother
  • Father
  • Grandmother
  • Grandfather
  • Brother
  • Sister
  • Aunt
  • Uncle
  • Teacher
  • Spiritual Leader
  • Friend
  • Colleague
  • Television
  • Movies
  • Social Media
  • Other ____________________________________________________

Now that you know that your own thoughts can create negative feelings about yourself, do you really want to continue having negative and inaccurate chatter about yourself and not even know what it is let alone know where it came from?

Where did my brain chatter come from?

Good News is Coming!

There is a bit of good news here!

In spite of the negative thinking habits you have developed about yourself regardless of their source, there is something very good about them being habits...habits are learned and can be unlearned and relearned.

Quantum Physics

We know this to be true due to the discovery of the Science of Neuroplasticity (more on the Science of Neuroplasticity in the in-depth E-Course).

The Science of Neuroplasticity dispells the myth that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" and proves that "you CAN teach an old dog new tricks."

The good news is that you can retrain your brain to think nicer, kinder, and more positive thoughts about yourself, regardless what others might think about you.

According to German-born theoretical physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) "We can't solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

Likewise, we can't think nicer, kinder, and more positive thoughts about ourselves with the same old negative thinking. 

Albert Einstein

Mindset to Retrain Your Brain

And now we know that you and everyone else has the ability to retrain your brain to think good thoughts about who you are and to think them all of the time regardless of circumstances.

It's like building a new roadmap in your brain and then traveling on the new route. The scenery changes.

You trained your brain to think the thoughts it automatically thinks regardless of whether you knew what you were doing or not.

You, like almost everyone else, has been conditioned to think negative thoughts about yourself without ever realizing it. As a result you have trained your brain to think negative thoughts about who you are and don't even know it. 

Exploration and Discovery 

In order to retrain your brain, you must know what you are thinking because you can't change what you don't know exists and you can't keep thinking the same old negative thoughts to retrain your brain.

In order to know what you are thinking you must become mindful.

What is that?

Mindfulness is thinking about your thinking to build a new roadmap in your brain.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Here are a few easy steps to help you develop mindfulness to

retrain your brain ---

  • You are always thinking whether you know it or not.
  • Begin by paying attention to the fact that you are thinking.
  • Begin monitoring the thoughts you are thinking.
  • Identify the kind of thoughts you are thinking. Are they positive or negative or neutral?
  • Recognize when you are thinking about yourself.
  • Identify the kind of thoughts you are having about yourself.
  • Determine if the thoughts you are having about yourself are positive or negative or neutral.
  • Bonus: You can only have one thought at a time.

Who knew you could only have one thought at a time? Almost no one. 

Since you can only have one thought at a time, what are you going to choose for yourself ---

positive or negative? It's your choice...

Here's a TIP to help you choose what you are thinking since it is easy to slip into autopilot when you are not paying attention to your thoughts.

One quick and easy way to become and/or stay aware of your thinking is to ask yourself ---

 "What am I thinking?"

What am I thinking?

The minute you ask yourself this one simple question, you will immediately become consciously aware of your thoughts and can choose the thoughts you want to think. You are no longer on autopilot.

Sometimes a negative thought can be so subtle that it sneaks right by you in the beginning even when you are doing your best to identify them.

Here's another TIP to become better at recognizing a thought that sneaks by you.

If you are unable to identify your thoughts in the beginning, or if a negative thought sneaks past you, pay attention to the feeling you are having right then and there.

Why? Because the thoughts you have about yourself create the way you feel about yourself.

Feelings are quite often easier to identify at first. The feeling you are having right now could have been created by the thought you were unaware of having. 

Thoughts that sneak by you.

This will make i easier for you catch yourself having a negative thought about yourself.

You can then practice changing it to a positive thought (more about how practice makes better in the in-depth E-Course).

Neural Pathways in the brain.

The exciting news is that as you begin to change your negative thoughts to positive thoughts your brain, according to the scientific components of the science of neuroplasticity, actually creates neural pathways (dendrites) and reshapes existing ones to accomodate your new way of thinking (more about this in the in-depth E-Course). HOW EXCITING!

Finding your happy code can only happen when you retrain your brain by changing your thoughts from negative to positive.

Retrain your brain

TIP for moving forward: Happy is a feeling that is created by a happy thought.

Once you begin creating happy thoughts, what do you want to do with them? Think about it for a minute or so...

Let's learn how simple it is to be the happy and have fun with your happy code in Part Five: BE THE HAPPY!

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