501(c)3 NonProfit

Donate to Save Lives

Your gift could be the difference between an individual carrying out life-threatening thoughts or living life with dignity.

It’s easy for you to make a lifesaving difference. $150 can provide an individual with 3 group mentoring sessions to learn how to live life with dignity - which changes thoughts and saves lives.

You have the power to save lives. Make your 100% tax-deductible charitable donation now.

Tax ID Number: 84-3789424

Your Gift

The Good With Me Foundation is designated as a 501(c)(3) corporation by the IRS as a Public Charity 509(a)(2). Tax ID Number: 84-3789424

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© 2022 Good With Me Foundation.
Good With Me Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity.

Tax ID Number: 84-3789424

Every day we wait millions of lives are lost!

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