How would you like your company to get paid

when you provide my


How to be Free of the Stress That's Killing You

program to your employees?

Dr. Patricia Noll, 3 decades of experience with over 10,000 participants, has an unsolicited testimonial below.

This message should be on a national stage...

Dr. Noll has started a movement that teaches people a simple approach to being happy from the inside out, and how that can create wellness from within.

I have been successful,  but I am finally happy...  

Jay  Loeffler -

Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) Valpak

I have received endorsements from internationally renowned Deepak Chopra and Dr. Larry Dossey among others for my work. Click here to see them.

Hi! I'm Dr. Patricia Noll. And I want to share with you a powerful new resource that can change the lives of you and your employees.

Whether you are a small business owner or the CEO of a large corporation "STOP THE STRESS" will change what you think you know about stress and arm you and your employees with the strategies and techniques to reduce the costly impact of employee stress.

Dr. Patricia Noll

Founder & CEO of the

Good With Me Foundation

 Good With Me Day & Festival

Stop The Stress:

How to Help Your Employees be Free of the Stress That's Killing Them

This brand new program will expose you and your employees to over 3 decades of experience in just a few hours. Act immediately to start getting paid with reduced healthcare cost, less absenteeism, more productivity, greater employee retention, and more.

In a minute, I'm going to share with you the #1 little known, yet science-proven, information that provided me with the knowledge to change my own life and the lives of 1000s of employees in small businesses and large corporations.

But first, how about asking yourself, "Why are my employees costing me money?"

  • According to The American Institute of Stress...83% of US workers suffer from significant work-related stress.
  • Globally more than half of workers (57%) suffer from HIGH stress on the job...according to Business News Daily, the "State of the Global Workplace 2021" Report by Gallup.
  • The American Institute of Stress found that every day employees stay home from work, go to the doctor, or die because of the effects of stress.


of workers lose more than 5 hours of productivity 

each week due to dwelling on stressors.


of job turnover is because of work-related stress.
Research at UMass Lowell


of employees say that stress negatively affects their productivity.


of U.S. workers are ready to quit their jobs due to stress.

Zippia "40+ Worrisome Workplace Stress Statistics [2022]: Facts, Causes, and Trends" Sep 18, 2022  https:///advise/workplace-stress


of workplace accidents come from stress or stress-related problems.

American Institute of Stress


People die every year as the direct result of work-related stress.

American Institute of Stress

47 million

American employees left their jobs by the end of 2021.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. HRD Human Resources Director.

$190 billion

Yearly healthcare costs result from work-related stress.

American Institute of Stress

$300 billion

Spent every year by U.S. employers on healthcare & lost work days linked to stress.

American Institute of Stress

Do you think any of these statistics might be affecting your employees?

Convinced your company needs this?  

Super low investment and Introductory Sale for this life-changing course for your employees and bottom-line changing for your company. This introductory offer is only available for a limited time.

You save a whopping $200 per employee when you invest during this special inytroductory offer.

Contact us for a custom "Stop the Stress" program for your company.

Dr. Patricia Noll
Email: patricia@goodwithme
Call or Text: 727-424-1270

You, like many others, might not have done anything about employee stress but... 

Who would think the cost of doing nothing may be the greatest cost of all?...

Doing nothing can lead to a reputation in the community as an employer who doesn't give a hoot about their employees which can result in...

  • A challenge finding the right people who are not just looking for a paycheck.
  • Poor employee retention.
  • Disruptive and costly loss of top performers.
  • Stressed employees who lead costly unhealthy lifestyles on and off the job.
  • Increased absences, risk for injuries, and depressive illnesses.

If you have tried everything to reduce your employee stress-related costs and nothing has worked so far, you're not alone and it's not your fault.

Yes, I know the above bullet points are very real concerns. But I have the simple answers. They came from years of experience with 1000s and 1000s of people. These simple and immediately usable techniques can be implemented by anyone in the world who wants to do something about it.

Once you and your employees know the insider secrets to utilizing science-proven strategies and techniques, everyone wins! 

This is not just another stress management program...

Time magazine's June 6, 1983 issue referred to stress as "The Epidemic of the Eighties" and America's No. 1 health problem. According to Beck Barrow,, "Experts said the psychological condition [stress] had become so widespread that is was the '21st century equivalent of the Black Death.'"

It has been established, according to the American Psychological Association,  that stress is directly associated with the six leading causes of death and can be called a silent killer.

Not much has changed since that Time magazine cover...other than directing a lot of attention to all kinds of costly stress management programs intended to teach people how to manage their stress.

But wait a minute! Once you become stressed, the damage has already been done!

The body is already responding to the feeling of stress and a whole host of physical and psychological symptoms have begun. 
Why would anyone want to manage the damage that has already been done? Especially when there's a way to learn how not to be stressed in the first place!

My New "Stop the Stress" Program leaves nothing out when it comes to the business of stress in the workplace and elsewhere! Your employees will learn how to...

  •  stop normalizing stress...too many employees brush off being stressed-to-the-max as a normal part of life on the job because everyone seems to be stressed-out these days, especially at work.
  • How to identify the real cause of their stress...demonstrates the importance of clean thought and what a difference a single thought makes.
  • How to tell the difference between real stressors and imaginary stressors...they will be surprised when they understand the difference!
  • How to prevent the emotional symptoms of stress from disrupting their lives...recognize what is causing their workplace irritability, depression, anxiety, even violence, and more. Establish the connection between thoughts and stressed feelings.
  • How to prevent the physical effects of stress, including brain damage and early death...reveals the difference between a natural stress response and long-term stress that can lead to physical complications and death.

and if that isn't enough, they'll also learn...

  • About the #1 source of's been #1 for a decade and counting and is like an undercurrent that unnecessarily pulls your employees under to drown in their own stress. 
  • Why being stressed day-in and day-out keeps your employees stressed day-in and day-out...find out what does work to be rid of stress.
  • How the brain reacts to a constant state of stress...your employees will understand why it is the worst enemy of the brain that can be the cause of making silly mistakes or forgetting why they... "fill-in-the-blank."

And that is just the beginning when it comes to learning! Your employees will learn...

  • The ONE word that is the real root of stress...who knew?
  • How they can stop selling themselves short in their own minds and in the the way they see themselves can work against them and their job performance and productivity.
  • To position themselves for a stressless job...your employees already know that being stressed in the workplace is not very satisfying and certainly no fun!
  • How the role of self-value impacts employee stress in the workplace...teaches the recognition of self-value that motivates employees to be team players, promotes coworker cohesion and builds a culture of equality, diversion, and inclusion.
  • To find themselves and become loyal more employee job-hopping because they think their stress will go away with that company over there! They will understand that they actually take their stress with them.

But wait! There's still more to learn! They will know...

  • How to avoid being stressed like a seasoned's a win-win for everyone!

Convinced your company needs this?  

Super low investment and Introductory Sale for this life-changing course for your employees and bottom-line changing for your company. This introductory offer is only available for a limited time.

You save a whopping $200 per employee when you invest during this special inytroductory offer.

Contact us for a custom "Stop the Stress" program for your company.

Dr. Patricia Noll
Email: patricia@goodwithme
Call or Text: 727-424-1270

 If there is concern in your company about unexpected costs that are directly related to stressed employees, this program provides one-of-a-kind, valuable insights into:

  • Effectively addressing employee workplace stress.
  • Building an employer reputation that supports an employee stress-free environment.
  • Setting up a maintenance system to consistently "Stop the Stress" for improved communication and cohesion between your employees and employee management.
  • Decreasing the costly stress-induced negative impact to your company culture.
  • Reducing rising costs of disability claims that result from employee stress workplace accidents.
A workplace without employee stress may be foreign to you. You may be having a hard time believing how much money the effects of employee stress is costing your company. If you don't believe the stats I've provided, go to Google, type in the term "cost of stress in the workplace", and check it out.

Take a look at the stats and you'll see that they would be making

an enormous dent into the company's bottom line!

And this could be your company: A workplace that most CEOs only dream about...a workplace of happy team-player employees where emotional and physical symptoms of common everyday employee stressors are reduced and relatively non-existent...and so are your employee stress-related costs.

The "Stop the Stress" program is filled with life-changing solutions to employee stress that most executives don't know they don't know.

Do you know your company can become a cutting-edge "Employer-of-Choice" by giving your employees the opportunity to "Stop The Stress"?

It's a win-win solution... 

When your employees learn how to "Stop the Stress" they actually PAY YOU by reducing your costs of employee stress through the following benefits...

  • One of the greatest benefits of being an "Employer-of-Choice" is it increases your chance of recruiting "A-List" employees who are multi-skilled, adaptable, and bring stability and expertise to the workplace.

Plus more benefits from employees who have...

  • Astute efficiency and performance.
  • Mentally sharp focus and productivity.
  • Genuine team-player engagement.
  • Excellent employee morale.
  • Respect for each other.

And there's even more benefits for you from employees who...

  • Show up consistently with fewer absences and less tardiness.
  • Have fewer workplace accidents and disability claims.
  • Lower your healthcare costs.
  • Have increased company loyalty.
  • Appreciate being employed by a company that cares about them.
Want a tiny sample of a "Stop the Stress" class so you can get a sense of what to expect your employees will be learning?... 

Click to play

...something is very different for the employee who is stressed-out by the stressful boss...

Sample of Module 1

Extensive research studies have said that there are several types of life stressors that have a dramatic influence on ALL humans.

If that is true, how can it be that most of us know someone who doesn't let anything bother them...nothing ruffles their feathers?

That tells us something very profound about the source of stress.

It means something is very different for the employee who is stressed-out all of the time by their stressful boss, even when they leave the workplace for the day, and the employee who isn't bothered at all by the stressful boss.

Employees will learn what makes the difference in the
"Stop the Stress" program.

Here's a simple and powerful quote from the course. 
"Stress isn't what you think it is and it is what you think it is."

Your employees will discover the meaning of the above quote in the
"Stop The Stress" program.

I'm really piling it on, aren't I?...Those of you who have worked with me know I don't hold back. I always OVER-DELIVER.

How much would your company invest to gain the knowledge I'm providing in this invaluable program?

Before you answer, I want you to think about something. Take a look at what the 30-year-old participant, Courtney D., said about the impact this could have if it was available to everyone by the time they are in 5th grade...

"Why aren't people taught the things you teach about in [the] group earlier on in life for everybody like in 5th grade or something. I believe if this did take place earlier on in life most people wouldn't have the problems that they deal with and not know how to cope with it. And they wouldn't let themselves self-destruct."

Courtney D.

  • This program provides your employees a simple science-proven approach to fix the cause responsible for stress to experience freedom from its crippling effects.
  • The "Stop the Stress" program can work for everyone who wants it and engages in it...this includes employees, supervisors, managers, and C-Suite Executives.
  • Learning to "Stop the Stress" is FUN!

One of my programs received a proclamation by the mayor of St. Petersburg, FL. The city of St. Petersburg, FL even teams up with me annually to co-sponsor another one of my programs.

Convinced your company needs this?  

Super low investment and Introductory Sale for this life-changing course for your employees and bottom-line changing for your company. This introductory offer is only available for a limited time.

You save a whopping $200 per employee when you invest during this special inytroductory offer.

Contact us for a custom "Stop the Stress" program for your company.

Dr. Patricia Noll
Email: patricia@goodwithme
Call or Text: 727-424-1270

Ok. I promised that I would share with you the #1 little known, yet science-proven information that provided me with the knowledge to change my own life and the lives of 1000's.

Here it is...drumroll please!!! 

I became aware of the awesome power I have through neuroscience and learned how to use it to control how I feel by exposing my brain to new, little-known, and seldom-taught information. I learned how to retrain my brain and began teaching it to others in as many different formats as possible.

This life-changing information is so simple that most people are inclined to make it hard at first. That's because most individuals have been conditioned to think things should be hard to be worth anything.

 Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. ---Confucius

This program is going to show participants how to use their awesome new-found power. Sure it might seem tough at the start because they think it is, but once they get going it gets easier and easier pretty fast.  

Here's what Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple, Inc. who changed our world with the simplicity of the cell phone said about simple...

This program is packed full of simple thinking "Stop the Stress" easy-to-use tips, strategies, and techniques that will help your employees move mountains in their own lives... here is a sampling of my proprietary techniques:

  • The Dog Whisperer Strategy
  • The Nursery Rhyme Technique
  • The What Am I Thinking Tip
  • Make the Positive-Up Shift Strategy
  • The Wake-Up Tip
  • Practice Makes Better Strategy
  • The Great Athletes Practice Technique

Ok. What's the deal?

The deal is simple. My goal is that the benefits to you and your employees keep on coming and paying you long after completion of this program...

This testimonial is proof that this program works in one of the highest stress professions

AND it keeps on working...

I still embrace your teachings...and life is good! to thinking about you and Focus 1, especially the "What I am feeling now is exactly what I choose to be feeling" and how self-esteem is the greatest problem in the world today (paraphrasing you). Thank you for all your help when I was in early sobriety and counseling. I still embrace your teachings and strive to continue to "keep on keeping on"  learning more. I celebrated 22 years 11/16! I also retired from flying in 2021 at 65 years of age and life is good!

Peter T. -

Retired Airline Pilot

Besides all the powerful, life-changing, information in this program to "Stop The Stress", look at all of the other things your employees get to facilitate that...

  • Three (3) "Good With Me" 1-hour online group classes.
  • Private "Stop the Stress" FaceBook Group.
  • Downloadable of Complete "Stop the Stress" Training Video Program.
  • Downloadable Audios of Entire "Stop the Stress" Program.
  • Easily Downloadable PDF Files of Entire "Stop the Stress" Text.



Convinced your company needs this?  

Super low investment and Introductory Sale for this life-changing course for your employees and bottom-line changing for your company. This introductory offer is only available for a limited time.

You save a whopping $200 per employee when you invest during this special inytroductory offer.

Contact us for a custom "Stop the Stress" program for your company.

Dr. Patricia Noll
Email: patricia@goodwithme
Call or Text: 727-424-1270

And let me sweeten the deal just a little more with never before offered Bonuses...

I'm going to provide these valuable Bonus add-ons to start over-delivering to your employees right away.

Bonus 1 - 

Downloadable audio of "Stop the Stress" maintenance meditation.

Bonus 2 -

Downloadable audio of "Stop the Stress" easy-to-use tips, strategies, and techniques.

Bonus 3 - 

Access to resources in the Good With Me Training membership site (when available).

PLUS Priceless Bonus -


After an employee completes the program modules, if they would like, they have an opportunity to change someone else's life. All that is required is to simply submit a video testimonial about their results that I can use to promote the course in the future. 

Then, the person of their choice will be given access to the entire 4 module program compliments of them. I will provide a "Stop the Stress" individual program in their name that they can gift to someone of their choice in exchange for their personal testimonial.

And no, I'm not kidding you! There's something special for you, the employer...

I'm going to provide these valuable Bonus add-ons to start over-delivering to you, the employer, right away.

Bonus 1 - 

Shoutout on Face Book, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest letting followers know that YOUR COMPANY is an "Employer-of-Choice" invested in making a difference for your employees. 

Bonus 2 - 

Recognition as a cutting-edge "Employer-of-Choice" at an annual event co-sponsored by the city of St. Petersburg in press releases, media, print materials, in front of thousands of attendees, and more.

Bonus 3 -


I will provide a "Stop The Stress" individual program in your company's name that you can gift to someone in need. You will be recognized in a Press Release distributed to tens of thousands of media journalists about what makes you an "Employer-of-choice".


A PDF download of the Good With Me: A Simple Approach to Real Happiness From the Inside Out book for your personal reference.


A 30-minute private consult with Dr. Noll for yourself or someone of your choice.

Thank you for saving my life...

"I have to personally thank you for saving my life and guiding me in a better direction than I was headed in. Please continue to keep bringing good and hope into this world so others can see their true value in life and who they can become."

Bret Cochran

New Orleans, LA

Through group online trainings all of your employees will have a chance to get plenty of extra personal attention!

Questions? Email me at

Call or Text to 727-424-1270. Leave your name, number, and company and I'll be back to you within the same business day.

Convinced your company needs this?  

Super low investment and Introductory Sale for this life-changing course for your employees and bottom-line changing for your company. This introductory offer is only available for a limited time.

You save a whopping $200 per employee when you invest during this special inytroductory offer.

Contact us for a custom "Stop the Stress" program for your company.

Dr. Patricia Noll
Email: patricia@goodwithme
Call or Text: 727-424-1270

Plus, your employees will learn how to be happy from the inside out, no matter what. You already know that a happy employee is a satisfied, focused employee.

Here's to stopping the stress and saving lives,

P.S. Employers, just like every other industry, have had their ups and downs from the recent pandemic. This information is needed more than ever to take your company to the highest levels. You could be the difference between a stressed-out employee carrying out life-threatening thoughts, or living life with dignity.

P.P.S. Sign your company up now for this well-designed training program and get top-notch service. GUARANTEED!

P.P.P.S. Contact us for a custom "Stop the Stress" program for your company.

Convinced your company needs this?  

Super low investment and Introductory Sale for this life-changing course for your employees and bottom-line changing for your company. This introductory offer is only available for a limited time.

You save a whopping $200 per employee when you invest during this special inytroductory offer.

Contact us for a custom "Stop the Stress" program for your company.

Dr. Patricia Noll
Email: patricia@goodwithme
Call or Text: 727-424-1270


If you move fast your employees can learn the valuable life-changing knowledge of over 3 decades of experience....

The idea that your employees could be free of stress may still be a foreign concept to you. You may still be having a hard time believing that they could be rid of it. If you don't believe me, you are welcome to join in with your employees to learn it for yourself.

Dr. Patricia Noll

In case you are still wondering why your employees would benefit from listening to me... I'm a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Certified Addictions Professional, Acupuncture Physician, Author of Good With Me: A simple Approach to Real Happiness From the Inside Out, Founder of "Good With Me" and The "Good With Me" Foundation: a global humanitarian movement, and the "Focus One™" Outpatient Treatment Program.

I made the transition to "Good With Me" from my 3 decades of teachings and experience from "Focus One™" to make this cutting-edge, science-based proven approach available to people wherever they might be in the world.  The "Focus One™" treatment program has received many endorsements from internationally renowned authors and lecturers.

See a sample below...

Convinced your company needs this?  

Super low investment and Introductory Sale for this life-changing course for your employees and bottom-line changing for your company. This introductory offer is only available for a limited time.

You save a whopping $200 per employee when you invest during this special inytroductory offer.

Contact us for a custom "Stop the Stress" program for your company.

Dr. Patricia Noll
Email: patricia@goodwithme
Call or Text: 727-424-1270

Show Your Employees That You Care About Them!