Press Release 8-23-2022 It’s Time to WAKE UP!


It's Time to Wake UP!

August 23, 2022

CONTACT:        Patricia Noll, Founder and CEO
                            Good With Me Foundation
                            136 4th Street North, Suite 2015
                            St. Petersburg, FL 33701
                            727-424-1270 (Cell)

It’s Time to Wake UP!

St. Petersburg, FL Tuesday, August 23, 2022 -- The news media once again shocks its viewers with news about another tragic celebrity death. And then before you know it our focus moves on to the next tragic death…almost like ‘ho hum so sad’. While it is important to move on, Dr. Patricia Noll, Founder of the Good With Me Foundation says, “It’s time to Wake UP as a society and take notice of the root causing of tragic death after tragic death...‘other-dependent’ esteem”.

Dr. Noll says that we are blaming the wrong thing for these tragic losses when we continue to blame drug use or overdose, alcohol intoxication, suicide, domestic/gun violence, mass shooting, or other criminal behavior.

It's also time to Wake UP to the reality that these tragic losses don’t only happen to celebrities and those that are horrific enough to make ‘breaking news’. They are happening everyday to everyday people that few know or ever hear about.

Research has determined that U.S. drug overdose deaths hit the highest level on record in 2021, online liquor sales rose 262% in the first 3 weeks of March 2020, alcohol related deaths jumped over 25% during the pandemic (this jump continued during 2021 and appears to be continuing), up to 3.3 million people die every year worldwide because of alcohol abuse. Data shows that almost 800,000 people commit suicides in the world each year (1 death every 40 seconds), over 400 mass shootings in the U.S. so far in 2022, plus war and unrest around the world.

Even with all of this, we continue to turn a blind eye to the root cause…’other-dependent’ esteem.

Dr. Noll says we don’t understand that what we consider to be self-esteem has nothing to do with self and that our society is teaching ‘other-dependent’ esteem from birth on and wondering why people don’t feel good. Noll defines ‘other-dependent’ esteem as a dependency upon someone or something external to oneself to make oneself feel good.

She further states, “When the esteem you have for who you are is dependent upon someone or something outside of yourself, you do not own it. It does not belong to you. You are unable to see your inherent value. It is impossible to like yourself deep down in your ‘heart of hearts’.

'Other-Dependent' Esteem leads to a myriad of poor choices

The poor choices that often make breaking news can include alcohol abuse, drug overdose, domestic bullying, gun/criminal violence, suicide, mass shootings, and more.

To the contrary, poor choices that very seldom make breaking news are often considered normal or just a phase even while their causing is substance abuse, disrupted school and work experiences, difficulty with relationships, trouble with the law, dependent and/or homeless living, and more.

Other-dependent individuals are never truly okay anywhere in the world with the material possessions they acquire or the degree of success they achieve. Neither will they be okay with family, friends, significant relationship partners, coworkers, schoolmates, social media connections, etc. Others can love them, befriend them, care for them, feed them, cloth them, house them, employ them, educate them, praise them, but it is impossible to rescue them from themselves…from the way they think, feel, and see themselves.

These individuals are continually dependent upon someone or something outside of themselves to make them feel good…and alas, it never works for very long. Hence, they overuse, abuse, and often go from one thing to the next to find what they are looking for.

We often label this dependency on alcohol, drugs, food, shopping, even another person, etc., addiction. There is program upon program to 'treat' their addiction and often fail far more than succeed.

There is very little attention given to the critical importance of ‘self-dependent’ esteem in a world dominated by ‘other-dependent’ esteem.

While it is appropriate to focus on the causing of dependency it is critical that the crippling effects of the root of other-dependency is recognized to generate change.

The crippling effects of ’other-dependent’ esteem include and are not limited to…

  • Worry about what others think about you
  • What you have, do, and know
  • Being successful and having it all
  • Need to be the best
  • Need to fit in and belong somewhere

And above all else the…

  • Need for approval
  • Need to look good
  • Need to be right
  • Need to control the outcome

We must learn how to recognize the difference between the causing and the root of ‘other-dependent’ esteem to save lives.

It is time to bring local and global attention to the hidden crisis of ‘other-dependent’ esteem and respond to humans’ need to be educated and equipped to make the shift from ‘other-dependent’ esteem to ‘self-dependent’ esteem.

To learn more about how to respond to this hidden global crisis to change thoughts and save lives in your local community go to


About the "Good With Me" Foundation

The "Good With Me" program established in 2014 is the outgrowth from Dr. Noll's Focus One™ program started in 1989. It started as a book, then was proclaimed "Good With Me" Day, and a city co-sponsored annual festival followed. The Good With Me Foundation was founded in 2019 to change thoughts and save lives. It became a global humanitarian movement.

Filming of 5 segments of a documentary has begun in the UK with Stewart Pearce, voice coach to Princess Diana and a trailer has been cut to showcase the highlights of the film. To view

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"Good With Me" community groups will be made available in 15-20 countries around the globe by certified "Good With Me" Community Leaders to teach participants who can't afford to participate as well as those who can. This is made available by funding through

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About Patricia Noll

Televised addictions and self-esteem specialist, Dr. Patricia Noll founded the Good With Me Foundation, of which she is the CEO and Executive Director, to educate people around the globe about the stunning importance and benefits of self-esteem in a world dominated by other-esteem. She is the author of Good With Me: A Simple Approach to Real Happiness from the Inside Out, an international seller. She founded Focus One™, an Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program, licensed by the state of Florida in 1989. Her Focus One™ program has been endorsed by internationally renowned Deepak Chopra, Dr. Larry Dossey, and others. She is an Acupuncture Physician, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and Certified Addiction Professional.

Dr. Patricia Noll, is available for interviews about how to recognize the warning signs of 'other-dependent' esteem that often lead to tragic loss and how to change thoughts to save lives.

727-424-1270 (Cell/Text)


Make your tax-deductible gift today

Donors will provide life changing solutions for those who are making poor choices concerning alcohol and drug use, domestic violence, criminal violence, and  contemplating suicide and/or mass shootings by helping them learn to value themselves and others.

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