Press Release 6-11-22


Bullies Are Everywhere

June 11, 2022

CONTACT: Patricia Noll, Founder and CEO

Good With Me Foundation

136 4th Street North

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

727-424-1270 (Cell)

Dr. Patricia Noll

Mass Shooters are Cowardly Bullies

St. Petersburg, FL Thursday, June 11, 2022 -- Today's potential mass shooter often goes unnoticed because society doesn't recognize that mass shooters are bullies who cowardly use hand guns and/or military-style weapons to hurt others instead of using their words. According to Dr. Patricia Noll, Founder of the Good With Me Foundation, "Today's bullying is a far cry from its Middle Dutch origin that defined bullying in the mid 16th century. In fact, the definition of bullying has continually changed since then to keep in step with the times."

Bullying has gone from name-calling to pushing and shoving  to verbal abuse to domestic violence, street fighting, gun violence, human trafficking, and now mass shootings. Bullying threatens life itself. It is no longer a scary encocunter of being called names and chased down a dirt road by a couple of neighborhood boys who want to scare their target with a dead frog.

How did this drastic shift from name-calling to mass shootings take place? It has come from the undercurrent of a societal message that teaches “other-dependent esteem” (being dependent upon someone or something outside of ourselves to feel good about who we are), in an unspoken code that everyone understands.

While bullies bully in different ways, they do  have something in common. They don't have "self-dependent esteem." This means that any esteem they can muster up for themselves has to come from outside of them -- from others. As already stated, that is "other-dependent esteem" and it exists in 85-90% of society.

The difference between the bullies who have "other-dependent esteem" to give them some kind of okayness some of the time is that the bully who becomes a mass shooter doesn't have self-dependent esteem and they don't think anyone else esteems them either. Simply put, they don't esteem themselves and they think noone else esteems them either. Without either, they go without. This is a recipe for disaster.

A Recipe for Disaster

The lack of both esteems creates anger that turns into rage. This person doesn't recognize is that they are angry with themselves and turn the anger outward toward others, especially others who appear to have what they don't have. They also focus their anger and rage toward anyone who embarrassed them in front of others or put them down or made them wrong.

This is not to be confused with what has been referred to as increased mental health issues…each example is the result of the undercurrent from society's hidden code that teaches "other-dependent esteem" instead of "self-dependent esteem."

Mass Shooters do NOT Like Themselves.

While almost everyone with "other-dependent esteem" has a need to fit in and belong, a few of them have given up on the idea of that ever happening and pretend they don't give a "rats patootie" about it. They isolate themselves from others and become loners.

Every mass shooter has a need to fit in and belong just like everyone else while believing that they don't fit in and belong.

The foster father said of the Parkland School Shooter, "All he ever wanted was to fit in and belong..."

They dwell on how they have been made wrong, been fired from their place of employment, have been shunned by a particular group of classmates/acquantainces/siblings, grew up with extremely controlling parents, etc.

Who would think that a "control freak" is actually a bully? How often do parents conytrol like a bully instead of teaching with loving kindness?

Today's bullies are in need of approval from others. They have reacted to society's code that teaches "other-dependent esteem" instead of "self-dependent esteem. Bullies act out their lack of okayness in a variety of ways. Some of these ways often appear to be normal behavior and go unnoticed by society in general.

For example, some begin bullying children or animals at an early age and some might think its just a phase that they will outgrow.

While we are often told "If you see something, say something," its impossible to say something about something we don't see. A bully who could be a potential mass shooter often goes unnoticed because many forms of bullying have become normal.

Not everyone with "other-dependent esteem" shoots up kids at an elementary school, people at work, in a grocery store, or in their place of worship. The undercurrent pulls people under to drown from being a depressed “grump” to destroying others and/or self. We must learn how to recognize what we see in order to say something before it becomes another mass shooter event.

Back on May 28, 2021, Andrew McCabe, Former FBI Deputy Director, asked what's working while making reference to the epidemic of gun shootings. He said, "I haven’t seen change that’s made a difference.”

Make Change That Makes a Difference

It is time to teach and equip people around the world with the ability to see the bullying of “other-dependent esteem” no matter how normal the behavior appears to be.

When society is equipped to teach "self-dependent esteem" instead of "other-dependent esteem," the world will see change that makes a difference.

To learn more about how to change thoughts to save lives go to


About the "Good With Me" Foundation

The “Good With Me” program established in 2014 is the outgrowth from Dr. Noll’s Focus One™ program started in 1989. It started as a book, then was proclaimed “Good With Me” Day, and a city co-sponsored annual festival followed. The "Good With Me" Foundation was founded in 2019 to support the "Good With Me" mission to change thoughts and save lives. It became a global humanitarian movement. Filming of 5 segments of a documentary has begun and a trailer has been cut to showcase the highlights of the film. Go to to view.

"Good With Me" community groups will be made available in 15-20 countries around the globe by certified "Good With Me" Community Leaders to teach participanats who can't afford to participate as well as those who can. This is made available by funding through the "Good With Me" Foundation.

Learn more 

About Patricia Noll

Televised addictions and self-esteem specialist, Dr. Patricia Noll founded the Good With Me Foundation, of which she is the CEO and Executive Director, to educate people around the globe about the stunning importance and benefits of self-esteem in a world dominated by other-esteem. She is the author of Good With Me: A Simple Approach to Real Happiness from the Inside Out, an international seller. She founded Focus One™, an Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program, licensed by the state of Florida in 1989. Her Focus One™ program has been endorsed by internationally renowned Deepak Chopra, Dr. Larry Dossey, and others. She is an Acupuncture Physician, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and Certified Addiction Professional.

Dr. Patricia Noll, is available for interviews about how to recognize the warning signs of a potential mass shooter situation and how to change thoughts to save lives.

727-424-1270 (Cell/Text)


Make your tax-deductible gift today

Donors will provide life changing solutions for those who are making poor choices concerning alcohol and drug use, domestic violence, criminal violence, and  contemplating suicide and/or mass shootings by helping them learn to value themselves and others.

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