Here's Part 2 of the E-Course I promised you. If you're impatient and want all 5 parts right away click here where you can download the entire course as a convenient adobe pdf file.
If at any time these 5 steps pique your desire to know how to live your happy code right away, click here to check out the never-before offered E-Course GOOD WITH ME AND BEYOND: How to Live Your Happy Code. You'll get answers to questions you didn't even know you had in this cutting-edge in-depth approach.

Yes there are TWO!
Are you ready to find out what they are and which one you have?
The two esteems are...
(ta da drum roll)

Police Athletic League Youth Drum Corps
NOTE: This is the stuff that isn't taught in school.
Step 2 to find your happy code is to learn how to like yourself from the inside out. That means with or without what you are, do, have, or know and regardless of whether anyone else likes you or not.

I Like Me
You can find your happy code ONLY when you like yourself and are happy with you from the inside. It cannot be dependent upon external sources liking you to make you happy.
The two esteems are not equal.
One comes from inside of you --- One comes from outside of you.
The theory of other-dependent esteem is the direct opposite of self-esteem.
There is no "self" in society's code version of self-esteem. Instead society touts other-dependent esteem with the focus on external sources such as respect and recognition from others, accomplishments, status, and prestige.
This teaches other-dependent esteem instead of self-dependent esteem and then we wonder why no one is happy for real or for very long.
Let's take a closer look at the difference between the two...
We'll begin with Other-Dependent Esteem in our comparison because it comes from external sources and is most prevalent in our society.
NOTE: Other-dependent esteem means that any esteem you have for yourself depends upon someone or something outside of yourself.
That means that your happiness and self-worth depend upon someone or something outside of yourself, such as what you are, do, have, or know, what others think about you, your accomplishments and successes, looking good, being right, and being the best.

No Self Esteem
According to current research, the consensus is that 85% to 90+% of our society has low self-esteem. I will show you a little later how low self-esteem is actually other-dependent esteem which equates to no self-esteem. (This will also be covered in greater depth in the E-Course Good With Me and Beyond: How to Live Your Happy Code).
You may be one of the great majority of society who thinks they have the real deal, self-esteem, when you actually have other-dependent esteem. That's because most of the professionals teaching self-esteem have focused on the wrong thing without realizing it.
As a result, much of society depends upon someone or something outside of themselves to have whatever amount of esteem they have.
Let's take a look at some of the prevalent signs that the esteem you have for yourself is
If you identified with any of the prevalent signs so far, watch what's coming up now...
This next prevalent sign has reached pandemic proportions throughout the world.

Emotional Roller Coaster Ups and Downs
You have probably experienced the roller-coaster effects of emotional ups and downs from time to time. That's because there is never enough validation, kudos, accomplishments, or successes to last between the "atta-boys and "atta-girls".
Are you begnning to see that having other-dependent esteem is a lot of work, requires a lot of energy, and isn't much fun?
Now let's take a look at Self-Dependent esteem to learn why.
According to the same previously cited current research, the consensus has determined that less than 10-15% of our society has high self-esteem. I will show you a little later how high self-esteem is actually other-dependent esteem, too. (This will be covered in greater depth in the E-Course Good With Me and Beyond: How to Live Your Happy Code).
You may be one of the 10% to 15% in society who has the real deal, self-dependent esteem, and often realize you see the world through a different lens. That's because very few understand self-dependent esteem.

What matters most is how you see yourself.
When you have self-dependent esteem,
the esteem you have for yourself does NOT depend upon
someone or something outside of you.
Let's take a look at some of the prevalent signs of Self-Dependent Esteem...

The esteem you have for yourself comes from inside of you.
The esteem you have for yourself doesn't waiver when no one notices you.
What others think about you doesn't matter.
You are happy with your success for no reason and not because of your success.
You are happy having it all just because and not because you have it all.
You don't need praise from others to make you feel good.
You are able to compliment yourself.
Wait a minute. Don't go anywhere. There's more!

The validation that comes from inside of you lasts because its yours and you own it.
You esteem yourself at ALL times, regardless of circumstances.
You think positive thoughts about yourself most of the time.
Your positive thoughts about yourself energize you.
You would rather be you than anyone else on the planet.
You are grateful that you GET TO BE YOU!
NOTE: Individuals with other-dependent esteem might begin to realize how familiar and even comfortable the prevalent signs of other-dependent esteem have become.
To the contrary, more often than not, the prevalent signs of self-dependent esteem will be unfamiliar and perhaps uncomfortable to those with other-dependent esteem.
So let's get focused on accomplishing Step 2 right now. How to build self-dependent esteem instead of continuing to build a false sense of self-esteem that comes from someone or something outside of you...other-dependent esteem.
But before we move forward, I told you I would explain why both low and high self-esteem are actually other-dependent esteem. Here's why...

What Self-Esteem?
Other-dependent esteem is in a constant state of flux varying between low and high because both, low and high self-esteem, are affected by external sources. There is nothing about "self" in low and high self-esteem. Both are other-esteem.
On the other hand, self-dependent esteem is constant and does not waiver between low and high because it comes from within you and is not affected by external sources.
EXAMPLE: Your self-esteem can go low when no one notices you (i.e., your supervisor walks right past you without even saying hello) and can be elevated to high when you receive positive attention (i.e., your supervisor compliments you for a job well done).
Have you ever noticed that your esteem can go from low to high and vice versa in a matter of minutes, sometimes even in a matter of seconds?
Why does that happen?
Because, as illustrated in both examples, you allowed someone outside of you to affect the way you feel about yourself.
You are actually experiencing other-dependent esteem in both examples because your self-esteem was affected by someone outside of you and varied from low to high as a result.
So now let's pick up where we left off in Part's time to learn how to build self-dependent esteem.

Exploration and Discovery
The thoughts you think about yourself determine which type of esteem you have --- other-dependent or self-dependent.
Here's how you can begin to make the shift to
Self-Dependent Esteem...
Go ahead and take a minute to respect who you are right now before you continue...
Practice this throughout the day every day until you begin to think good thoughts about who you are for real.
If you question how something this easy could make a difference, simply practice until you begin to see it changing the way you see yourself.
Here's a TIP: Your SELF-DEPENDENT ESTEEM has everything to do with the positive way you think about yourself (more about this in the in-depth E-Course Good With Me and Beyond: How to Live Your Happy Code).
With practice, you will begin to notice that self-dependent esteem is FREEDOM FROM...
The next step that naturally follows to find your happy code is to recognize the value that you are!
I'll teach you how to recognize the value that you are in Part 3: RECOGNIZE MY WHAT?
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